East Coast Bias is proud to present our first exclusive interview with the new GM of the Washington Redskins.
ECB - Rumors are swirling that the Redskins are interested in JeMarcus Russell. With the 6th pick, how do you plan to move up in the draft to select him?
GM -
ECB - But don't you have a quarterback in Jason Campbell?
GM -
ECB - You have a very interesting strategy. Where do you see the team going over the next five years?
GM -
4 Responses:
Hahaha, that's pretty funny.
I think that the final response from the Magic 8 ball is entirely too optimistic.
You're giving the real Redskins "GM" Vinny Cerrato way too much credit. He only has one answer -- "Yes sir"
I think that's the biggest problem Redskins fans have. They know they're going downhill fast, but they haven't figured out who's driving the bus. No one wants to blame Gibbs, but Cerrato and Snyder both seem too dumb to be evil masterminds.
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