As we approach the AFC Championship Game, I feel compelled to share what I hate Pittsburgh and its Steelers. I should mention that the Ravens losing an AFC Championship Game to Pittsburgh is probably tied with Maryland losing an NCAA Championship Game to Dook in terms of potential for personal devastation.
1) The Fans
I will preface this by saying that I do personally know a Steelers fan from Pittsburgh who is actually a decent human being. He left after high school and never looked back, now living in New Orleans.
People from Pittsburgh and the surrounding area (Morgantown, WV, excepted) are the biggest assholes on the face of the Earth. Al Qaeda and Taliban are a close second.
I have been to New York. I have been to Boston. I have been to Philadelphia. I LIVE near D.C. I know assholes. The people of Pittsburgh are the biggest assholes of them all. They're not as loud. They're somewhat less likely to physically threaten or attack you (mostly because they're too fat and slow for fighting). They just hate life and everyone else living it.
Of course, there isn't much to be happy about in Pittsburgh. The steelworkers either lost their jobs or moved to Baltimore. Now the city has little in the way of jobs, is cold, is dreary, is in the middle of nowhere, and is known for absolutely nothing other than the Steelers and Andy Warhol.
All that being said, Steelers fans from Pittsburgh aren't really all that bad. It isn't the city of Pittsburgh's fault, but they were really good at football in the 1970's. Hence, they have fans all over the country. Unfortunately, those fans have begun to reproduce. Now there is a second generation of bandwagon morons who only root for the Steelers because their Dad did. Much like men with small penises (more on Hines Ward below) , these fans must compensate for being regional traitors by being overly enthusiastic about their fandom.
2) Hines Ward
This morning on Baltimore's 98 Rock, porn star Jesse Jane was asked about her relationship with Hines Ward. She said something along the lines of "Let's just say he's more Korean than Black."

That made my week. I guess Hines and Santonio Holmes average each other out.
(Related note: When Santonio hurdled the last Charger on his return last week, I thought about his dong. I'm not happy about that. It's not even that his dong is that massive, it's just that it's really the only thing I know about the dude.)
I hate Hines Ward more than any professional athlete, including Paul O'Neill and Mike Dunleavy (definition of "professional athlete" is loose). He is in the top 15 wide receivers in the league, and he is a good blocker. He also is the king of the annoying bitchy little cheap shot at the end of a play. Nothing illegal usually, but just enough to provoke a costly response.
Of course, an above-average NFLer who plays a little dirty normally would not bother me (I am a Ravens fan, after all). That is, unless he grinned like an idiot ALL THE F-ING TIME.
Even that might not bother me, except the Steelers' offense isn't very sexy. Hines is the only player the announcers know anything about other than Ben Roethlisberger. As is announcer protocol, they parrot the same four facts about him over and over again.
3) The Terrible Towel

blahblahblahblahblahblah My head just exploded.
Any other red-blooded sports fan in the nation would be mortified if his (or her) fan base was known for waving a urine-hued towel above their head. First of all, it's a distraction from what's happening on the field. Second, fan props are one slight step below "Quiet - Offense Is at Work" and "[Insert Team Color] Out". It indicates that someone in marketing recognizes that the fans are not capable of simply enjoying the product on the field.
The towel was introduced by radio voice Myron Cope in 1975 as a gimmick. Read the Wikipedia article. I'm not reprinting it here. It should have lasted one playoff season and then gone the way of the Rally Monkey, but frankly Pittsburgh had nothing else going for it.
Three Rivers Stadium was a dump, much like it's brethren in Filthadelphia, Cincinnati and St. Louis. I get that there was a time (the 1980's) that the Steelers sucked and the stadium sucked and a little something extra was needed to encourage fans to enjoy themselves. Sometimes The Wave, Iron City swill and YMCA just don't do it. Why they retain it in their nice new ketchup-sponsored stadium is beyond me. I know that towel must be an embarrassment to true Steeler fans on the level of the Cameron Crazies to a true Duke fan, but no one will ever admit it to me.
Cleveland : Pittsburgh :: Pittsburgh : Baltimore.
71 Responses:
Sounds like you have some deep rooted emotional scarring and Pittsburgh Steelers envy!
Amen, J-Red. Amen.
This guy is hilarious. The Steelers and their fans know football... The Ravens have been getting beaten up by the Steelers for years. The Ravens organization doesn't know how to draft. Having his girlfriend put on those panties was low. After the Colts left town...they picked a purple Raven as a mascot? They still dream of the classic horseshoe. Hines is always laughing--just like Michael Jordan... He's a proven performer--unlike Flaccid.
Man, awesome comeback. Maybe they do know football, but they are still assholes; Fat, lifeless, jobless assholes.
The Ravens don't know how to draft, yeah, another bone-jarring one-liner. Please, don't hurt us with any more of your brilliant fat, lifeless, jobless asshole.
as a kid whose grand parents lived and worked in pittsburgh{ the mills}
and visited every summer the people are very predujice the city is depressing and their are no jobs, there is a toughness their that nobody understands, that team has no cheer leaders, no pretty boys, and no name players that most schools dont show up on the map! the players are poor humble, blue collar boys with a strong work ethic, thats the secret of the the pittsburgh steelers.
Joey Porter's pit bulls killed a miniature horse. He also defended Vick after the dogfighting scandal broke.
Also, Preston, correct me if I'm wrong but the Steelers use all of the salary cap just like the other teams. Nobody is poor or blue collar.
Yeah? Well, too bad your team is gonna lose on Sunday! :p
Harsh but accurate portrayal of the obnoxious Steeler crowd. Jim, work on your stinging comeback lines and get back to us.
I don't get the hate for the town of Pittsburgh. I was there a few weeks ago, and between the colleges, trendy restaurants and lack of industry, it was very quaint.
It's the kind of place where a person can buy crepes and quiche at the local tapas restaurant, then go see some light theater. And the men are so butch and campy. It's a real tourist spot now!
Some bitter guy from Baltimore calling Pittsburgh a crappy place... that's rich!
Your #1 reason couldn't be farther off. Pittsburgh has more fans across the entire nation than any football team. People like the raw no-nonsense football of one of the oldest and most well respected franchises in the sport.
You know the old saying, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em"? We welcome you with open arms.
Feel the love... go Steelers!
So wait. Is Cleveland better or worse than Pittsburgh? Is Pittsburgh better or worse than Baltimore?
They're all declining industrial towns that are losing jobs and residents. It's my impression that Pittsburgh has actually managed to recreate itself somewhat with healthcare jobs. Can't say the same about Baltimore.
As for the people and physical charms of the cities I can't comment, only having been to Baltimore.
That was hilarious!! All I gotta say is "Go Stillers!" .. best team in the NFL and one of the best cities in the USA!!!!
Jason, I didn't realize size means that much to you:)
I know that you steeler fans like to think that you own the Ravens when it comes to overall record, but the fact is that the steelers fail to produce in the big games. Please see below and let the numbers do the talking.
AFC Championship Games
Pittsburgh 4 Baltimore 1
AFC Championship Records
Pittsburgh 1-3 Baltimore 1-0
Super Bowls
Pittsburgh 1 Baltimore 1
Super Bowl Records
Pittsburgh 1-0 Baltimore 1-0
Who has the losing record now?
Not that impressive is it. You might want to use your terrible towels to wipe your asses after we kick the shit out of you.
I sure hope this picture and post doesn't represent the majority of Baltimore fans. If it does, I wouldn't be too quick to criticize any other city or their fans!!!
Yeah, Baltimore hasn't figured out how to get those health care jobs. Not with Johns Hopkins again ranked first in the nation (UPMC is 14th).
You REALLY don't want to get into a battle of economies. Not with the federal government and BRAC streaming new jobs into Baltimore on a daily basis.
Jesus,Mary and Joseph... Someone had to say it.
BTW... the Ravens don't know how to draft? Anon, go soak your head in lighter fluid.
All I got out of your Post is that Hines Ward's involvement with a porn star has you green with ENVY! GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are the mayors making a bet for the game? Steelerstahl will have to change his name back if Baltimore wins, and Dixon will have to split her gift cards with Steelerstahl if Pittsburgh wins?
Pathetic mayors, pathetic dying industrial towns. I pity all of you.
Kwame Kilpatrick
Good finish Ben.
Wow... Ben, that was worthy of an e-mail submission to the Jim Rome show.
james harrison is on steroids. it's been documented. i knew big ben in college, and he was a douche... maybe the biggest douche ever. santonio holmes... another upstanding citizen. also, if you win the super bowl this year, just know that you have had the easiest path to a super bowl championship in the entire history of the nfl. not since 1989 has a team won a super bowl without facing a >=12 win team in the playoffs. also, you have not beaten >=12 win opponent all year (0-3.) all 4 teams you lost to were defeated by someone else doing your dirty work. such an amazingly lucky draw in the playoffs. losing to the titans was your biggest win of the year. also, if you were to win the super bowl, you would be the second team to win the super bowl and not beat a >= 12 win team during the regular or postseason since the regular season went to 16 games. your whole season was beating a rookie quarterback 3 times. wow!
Ahhhh, it felt so good to beat the Rat Birds. I'll keep being an Asshole then and be happily celebrating Super Bowl victory #6 come next Sunday night
Oh and to that whiner above me, yeah we got it easy through the playoffs, but getting to the playoffs was another story. Our opponents had the best record from the previous season at the start of the season. hmmm 12-4...yet we "only" beat a rookie QB three times. Keep grasping...
-And show me your documentation of Harrison on steroids, I'd love to see it
- and Ben being a douche, yeah, so are 75% of NFL athletes, who gives a rats ass. I'm not looking to be buddies with these dudes.
I moved to Pittsburgh a little over a year ago. I tried to give it a decent chance at first but I have never been as depressed in my life as I have been this past year. The whole area is old and run-down. I am from a city that is not that much different from Pitt statistic wise but in comparison, Pitt feels hillbilly and rural no matter what. I just want to move somewhere, anywhere else. Preferably somewhere where the residents realize that there are different tenses to verbs and y'unz is not a word.
Totally f'ing right on.... you can leave for 20 yrs, come back & it's all the same. The few females are that cute are only so til they are about 30 then they turn into "handsome women". Its corrupted, dirty, old union only democrap, stupid, hillbilly, racist unless it looks good & prides themselves on ridiculous spoken words & bad English.
The food sucks: fat laden & fatter.
There is nothing to do, has crappy weather 6 mos of the yr & shitty roads. So many people smoke & are overweight no wonder there are so many heart Doctors in PA. I can't wait to get he hell out!
Sam stuck in PA
I agree.
I hate steelers too. I hate superbowl even more. its totally overshadowing my birthday.
Hey, I know why the Steelers have so many wins!
They pay the goddamn refs, thats why. Remember the 40th Superbowl, with all those bogus calls against Seattle? Some under the table dealing was going on there, or Hines has a small penis.
~looks at the porn star comments~ oh.
So what I'm gathering about the steelers is that they A. are animal abusers (what the fuck is this about supporting Vick?) Players speak for their team. B. Are complete dicks (Hines, who keeps attacking Arizona players as I speak) C. Their fans are assholes who cling to the dumbest little fads (their stupid towels) I got one from a friend, and I've been using it in lieu of toilet paper.
D. Their QB is the most overrated player on the planet...
E. Make poor choices in women (a porn star? Maybe we'll get lucky and shell give him AIDS)
F. Did I mention the most overrated team in the NFL? I'll watch the Ravens, Seahawks, Cardinals or Saints anyday.
the steelers cheated. they played dirty. they are horrible role models. they got calls to go their way that threw the game. the Cardinals are the true Superbowl 43 Champions.
Oh enough with the "Steelers fans are fat" crap. You hate the Steelers and Steeler Nation because a. the team is the most winning team in NFL history now and b. the fans kick butt. So, rip away all you want. You can hate on us and our team but you can NEVER say suck because the Steelers have all six Lombardi trophies to prove it. ha ha ha ha ha
Uh, News flash! Joey Porter was traded in 2007 and does NOT play for Pittsburgh, he plays for Miami now. And 1-0 Super bowls for Steelers?! How about 6 Lombardi trophies. It's ok to hate, it's hilarious to see a bunch of whiners and haters who think they know what goes on in Pittsburgh. Keep hatin, keep hatin keep hatin. We love it here because no matter how much you people cry, the Steelers have the MOST fans in the nation. Ever see a Giants or a Jaguars bar in any other state besides NY or Fla? Ever see crazed fans in Seattle rooting for the Dallas Cowboys in droves? NO! You google Steelers bars and see how many pop up outside of the Pittsburgh area...HALF WAY around the country, across the entire globe. That's why OUR fan base is called "Steeler Nation"...
Ummm...the comments about the Steeler Nation are hysterical. THe reason there are Steeler bars in every city is because of all the displaced pittsburghers! There are no jobs in this dump. That's something to be proud of huh?!
Unfortunately I live within minutes of Pgh. Steeler fans by far are the most obnoxious and hypocritical fans I've ever seen. Some of them are my family members.
It's one thing to cheer for your team...but another to be SO hypocritical. Take James Harrison the current golden boy of PGH. Apparently it's okay that he punched the Cardinal player during the biggest game of the year. If that would've been a Cleveland player that did the same thing...he would've been crucified.
Primanti Brothers named a sandwich something goofy in regards to the Ravens...I don't even remember what it was. But that was okay because it was all in fun. BUt God forbid another team 'disrespects the terrible towel'...that made the 5 o'clock news...seriously. When exactly did that become headline news?? It wasn't even reported during the sports report - it was HEADLINE NEWS people. Get a grip.
A lot of the comments to your blog completely prove your point!!! Keep responding people...your not doing yourselves any favors!
I get why you hate the Steelers, but your smart-ass comments about my city are inaccurate.
I wouldn't say we're living a life of excess here, but we are said to be recession-proof.
If you discount the suburbs, we are less obese than other cities, too. According to Men's Fitness Magazine, Baltimore ranked as 17th fattest city in the USA. We made the fittest list. (
Hate my team, but don't hate my city. I don't hate Baltimore enough to stay away from the aquarium when I'm down there. As long as I'm out by nightfall.
IX, X, XIII, XIV, XL, XLIII, Gosh I never knew how much I love typing Roman Numbers. Anyway, yea I'm from the 'Burgh. Its a great city. All you Baltimorans, Mistake on the lakers, and Cincy Bungle fans need to learn one thing, if you can't hang with the best, then join the rest. Let's see, The Ravens have one super bowl victory. And, Since Ohio is such a big state, we;ll combine the total Super Bowl victories that both NFL teams from Ohio have, and thats 0. So the AFC north boasts 7 total Super Bowl victories and 85% have been won by the black and gold. I'll make this clear, I say the steelers win their seventh Super Bowl before the Bungles, Brownies, and Raisins win one. With classy owners comes championships. hey Raisins, nice super bowl ring, why no diamonds?
Hey Baltimorons, Can you have your favorite son, the Ace of Cakes dude make us Steelers Nation a cake with 6 (SIX) (VI) big silver trophies popping out of Heinz Field? That would cap off a great season where we beat the rest of the AFC Northern opponents a total of (VI) Six (6) Times! Oh, get ready for next year when the start the "Stairway to Seven". Maybe the Ace of Cakes dude can put on a jersey and take the spot of the soon to be Cowboy Ray Lewis.
aye yay yay.
Gotta be a pretty poor argument when you start taking shots at a guy's junk like that.
I also have trouble with a Baltimore fan attacking the quality of life in Pittsburgh. Wasn't Baltimore recently the murder capital of the country? If it wasn't the most, it was damn close.
Thank you for your retraction about the cheap shots. The only team in the league that I would view as a bigger group of low-life, convict thugs over the Ravens would be the Pats defense. Freakin Harrison.
I started looking for steelers hate messages because I knew it would only be a matter of time until they sprouted everywhere. It's what happens. If you're not with the best, you hate the best. Lets face it, the numbers are hard to ignore.
Even so...I look forward to seeing what Flacco can do in the future. What an exciting start to a career.
Lets take a look at Pittsburgh: Since 1985 it has been rated the The Most Livable city TWICE by Places Rated, and not ventured out of the top 10, EVER. It's one of the leading medical cities in the US. It leads the nation in cerified LEEDS green buildings, with more being built. The recent housing crunch didn't effect the city, as a matter of fact, there is a housing boom (New York Times),
Hotels are popping up everywhere because tourism is up. The Cultural District has been rated 2nd to only New York's broadway and it's cultural district (USA Today). Per capita, there are more museums than any city in the country. It now boasts being the home of the fifth largest bank in the nation (PNC) after it's aquisition of Ohio's largest bank (National City). Allegheny county has more registured recreation boats that travel the 3 rivers, only Dade County Florida has more. The polio vaccine was born here, the ferris wheel was too, so was the Big Mac. Currently being built, is a new casino, and a new home for the Pittsburgh Penguins (Consol Energy Center), and the August Wilson theatre. Pittsburgh's skyline has been rated the second most beautiful view in the United States (USA Today magazine). Thats just off the top of my head, I work in tourism in this fabulous little niche of America, and I didn't even mention the Steelers six time champs!
Oh I forgot, the new Children's Hospital being built, it will be one of the best in the nation, also one of the largest. Let's not forget higher education, The university of Pittsburgh, Duquesne University, Robert Morris College, Point Park University, Carnegie Mellon University. and more. The trendy shops of Shadyside, the wondeful resturants as well. The 199 neighborhoods that make up Pittsburgh, like Polish Hill, Mt Washington, Oakland and little Italy, Bloomfield. The new developments like The Southside Works, The Waterfront, and The North Shore. Yea, like most cities we have our problems too. But I wouldn't chooses to live anywhere else.
I keep thinking of things. Pittsburgh has more bridges than any city in the world, and the international bridge conference is held here every year with bridge designers and engineers coming from as far as China and Australia. Let's not forget the three new sports venues, PNC Park, rated the best ballpark in the nation (ESPN MAGAZINE), Heinz Field, and the before mentioned Consol Energy Center (2010). The Pittsburgh Zoo has one of the largest polar bear exhibits and Penguin exibits. Pittsburgh has some strength in the business world. It's the home to such companies as Alcoa, US Steel, PPG industries, American Eagle Outfitters, Highmark Blue Cross, UPMC, PNC Bank, Dick's Sporting Goods, Heinz, and Bayer AG. The Kobold Watch company is located here. Kobold watches can go as high as $15,000, some watches are limited to 25 pieces, making them very prized to collectors. Kobold watches were featured in the TV show, "The Sopranos". Pittsburgh's Carson street is becoming as well known as Beale Street or Bourbon Street, with it's trendy resturants, and bars, pubs and niche stores. The city has one of the lowest crime rates of any major metropolitan city in America. Pittsburgh is within 500 miles of half the population of the united states. When Pittsburgh's Hard Rock Cafe opened in 2000, it had the largest first day attendance of any Hard Rock Cafe in the company's history. Pittsburgh has more trees than any city in the US. The Three Rivers Regatta is the largest inland regetta in the US. Can you think of a greater place to live? I mean sure, Florida has its sun and warm weather, but here we are with 4 seasons and we've primered all of the rust off our part of the rust belt. Pittsburgh gleems in the sun.
I may only be a freshman in high school, but I know an asshole when I see one! This guy. One- not all people from Pittsburgh are assholes. Some, not all. Two- we aren't all fat. Three.- Hines Ward is a Super Bowl MVP. Fuck you. Four- Pittsburgh is the most successful franchise and we aren't just known for the Steelers. We also invented the Big Mac, the emoticon, [:)] and the Slinkie. What does Baltimore have?
Five- What about the cheap shots from your linebackers? (thug number 1 Ray Lewis, but also an MVP) The Terrible Towel is an NFL icon. It gets the crowd going. Being from Pittsburgh(currently in Illinois) I have like 5. Six- I also didn't hear you mention the Steeler D. Number 1 in the league. What now? This article is just another way for fans to cry about the Steelers being number 1. CRY ME A RIVER, BULID A DAM, AND THEN DROWN IN IT. THE STEELERS RULE. GET OVER IT!!!
you are so right on that count!
steelers,penguins ad nauseum
but what about the pirates? oh yea,they don't win. if they did all the annoying dumbasses would be wearing jolly roger pins at work and all the local newscasts would contain 5 minutes of news,20 minutes of sports,wrapped around 2 severe weather forecasts. i live in this hell hole because i was told pittsburgh doctors are the best....i found that to be untrue. however,i did notice all the doctor offices were decorated with "go steelers" and "go pens".
priority retardation and other mental illnesses consume pittsburghers and if you talk to them you'll find,just like many who blog here,that they have no idea how annoying,stupid and sick they are.
how else can you explain an overwelming support of a hockey announcer,(mike lange),a loudmouth spastic retard who spews corny worn out one liners after every pens goal. he sucks and so do the fans of pittsburgh.
Mike Lange, huh? Never mind that he's in the Hockey Hall of Fame and the Penguins are two wins away from the STANLEY CUP.
Why is it that every NFL game I attend, the opposing fans are at least tolerable. Not Steeler fans. They are foul mouthed, beer spilling, towel hitting-you-in-the-face, assholes. During last years Bengals game in Cincy, local news video showed several sucker punches by Steeler fans on Bengal fans including 1 punk who ko'd a 72 yr old man!
This is why people hate Steeler fans. it is not because of the amount of wins or Super Bowls you have. It has nothing to do with your fine city. It is all about the typical "instant asshole, just add alcohol" that seems to include 75% of the fans. I don't live in P-burg or Cincy and have found each town has good and bad, but I have attended 5 Steeler road games in the past 2 years, and the story is the same. Get a clue, it is your behavior as fans representing your team and city that people do not like.
Let's add the fact the Penguins just won the Stanley Cup Championship. Another great reason for being in Pittsburgh, THE CITY OF CHAMPIONS!
The coward who called Hall of Fame announcer of the Stanley Cup Pittsburgh Penguins a spastic retard, just one thing to say to you, you silly mental midgit, ELVIS HAS JUST LEFT THE BUILDING, Scrath my back with a hacksaw, buy Sam a drink and get his dog one too, never teach a pig to sing, and finally...get in the fast lane grandma, the bingo game is ready to roll! ANOTHER TITLE for the CITY OF CHAMPIONS. TitleTown USA BABY!!!
scratch my ass w/ a chainsaw!,she wants to shave my monkey!,get that old mike lange off my lawn and pull my finger! oh ha ha ha,so danggum funny isn't he?
the good news is,no more mike "spastic boy" lange for a couple months. just annoying jersey wearing,snorting,wobbling,rock gargling,rude band wagon idiots getting in decent people's way.
why is it cool to make fun of people who lost their jobs i don't care if you hate their home team losing your job sucks the asshole that wrote the article if fucked up i hope the get layed off
This guy is a piece of shit! It's easy to talk shit behind a computer. Please come to my city and flap your gums. You'll be duct taped and raped then dumped in one of the 3 rivers in my town. You pussy you are fueled by jealousy and that's the bottom line. WE HAVE 6 SUPERBOWL TITLES!!! WE ARE THE ONLY TEAM WITH THAT MANY TITLES. THE POINT OF PLAYING IN THE NFL IS TO WIN SUPERBOWL'S. SO THE SIXBURGH STEELERS RUN THE NFL YOU DICKLESS LITTLE FAGGOT. SUCK MY IRON CITY COCK!!!!
And by the way. We will rape you not cause we're gay. Because WE FUCKING CAN! So suck a dick, fuck your mother, fuck your brother, your grandmother, your whole fucking family even the dead ones yeah I fucking said it so what maybe next time you wont run your mouth about my city. I'm going to drink an iron right now in the steel city of champions. We took toe Superbowl and the cup in the same year. Damn it feels good to be from Pittsburgh
Mikey T..what a class individual you black and yellow
im from outside of pittsburgh in saxonburg....and i fuckin hate the city..the steelers...and anything that has to with either one... the steelers and the media saturation an love story with them has made it impossible for me to watch the sad i cant watch football anymore since these fags for a piece of shit city keep getting pushed at me
hockey doesnt count fag.... only NFL MLB an NBA.... so stop sucking at baseball or get a basketball team
NHL is the 6th best sport in america.....and there are on 3 main sports in amercia so cut the city of champions bull shit...
so you won the cup? to bad no one else in the US has any idea that happens... hockey should go on strike again.
hockey? only someone like mike with his strange man crush would prop a second rate sport that most people don't care that it exists.
and enuff of this "we" crap!
you yinzers aren't members of the team no matter which silly-ass jersey your toothless mommy bought you. the owners and players live in luxary laughing all the way to the bank at you tattoed,face pierced morons.and that's just you're kids i'm talking about
Now now, your hate for Pittsburgh is making you sound like a child. Don't hate the game, hate the players. You obvious Ohio LOSERS with all your super bowl trophies, ooops, sorry...hahaha, I forgot you don't have any, and I forgot The brown stains have never been to the Super Bowl. And the Bungles are two time Super Bowl LOSERS. You can have basketball, we have the Pitt Panthers. We'll Keep the Penguins and the Stanely Cup, hockey is much more exciting that Basketball. Beside Lebraun James won't be staying in Cleveage-land very long. Then you'll be baskball bottom feeders again, like all your teams. By the way the G-20 summit is bringing in about 35 million for the local economy for just the two day event, but the real payoff will be when we get tourists from all over the world coming to this awesome city. Hey Saxonburg shit head...move if you hate it...or just die BITCH! Man, Pittsburgh has been in the news a lot lately...Super Bowls, Stanley Cup finals, NFL Kickoff...The best hockey Players in the world, The best Quarterback in the world. It's great to be a Pittsburgher!
Two words for you...Steely McBeam
The typical Steeler fan is a fat, obnoxious, Ford minivan-driving 50 mph in the passing lane dolt who thinks that Super Bowl victories by the team they root for somehow translates into all-knowing about all that is football. If Pittsburgh is such a great town, why are there so many of you idiots here in the DC area? Oh yeah, jobs...something Pittsburgh doesn't have. I will say this, it's a good thing the town knows something about steel because the stadium needs to be very strong to hold all of those fat bastards sitting in the stands
HAHAHAHA, yes typical of someone from the lowlife Cincinatti, Cleveland or Baltimore habitants. Is Baltimore still the murder capitol of the world? Cincinatti are you still having race riots in down town? Cleveland the only thing i can think of you have is the R and R hall of fame...yawn. Now, if you guys want to come see a real rebirth of an American city, get in your cars and come to Pittsburgh, we'll shine up the Super Bowl trophies for you. Come see what the G-20 countries saw and beamed all over the world. One last thing...Steely who?
One many superbowls has your team won?
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CHeck out my blac and yellow remix
steelers are way better than any other team as i recall wen i was watching them play they had to switch to a different game because the steelers were beatin their ass and i grew up in pittsburgh and its not shit so grow up.....
The Steelers are the dirtiest playing team in the NFL. Did anyone watch the Jets/Steelers game? If a Jets player simply puts his hand on a Steelers guy its holding, but if a Steelers guy goes head first into a Jets guy, its totally fine. Are you serious?! Maybe if the Steelers tried playing ACTUAL football, one that doesnt involve Polamalu trying to injure every single player, Rapistberger ponying up to the ref, and Hines Ward not being the biggest asshole on the field, maybe then you Steeler fans would realize how much your team sucks playing real football.
Oh, and i'm not a raven fan either. I'm a Raiders fan. So no rivalry between the two. Just obvious, clear as day dirty playing.
And the terrible towel? Really? That is the stupidest thing ive ever heard. I mean c'mon, its a freakin' yellow towel! Good job steeler fans, you figured out the least clever form of showing support for your team EVER.
And the reason they keep winning? THE REFS NEVER CALL THEM. Why? Because they're paid.
Best moments of my year: Jacoby Ford's amazing startoff year, and Richard Seymour punching Ben Rapistberger in the face. Sure they lost the game, but Seymour did something all the other NFL players wanted to do. And he didn't even hit him hard enough to knock him down, all Big Ben Rapistbergers acting. Anyone with eyes could see that, it was obvious. One word: crybaby.
I could go on for hours on reasons why the Steelers should be lit on fire, but i'm going to stop here, since thats about how much you Steeler fans can take without exploding from the truth.
Steelers rule and u wish ur team was half as good as the steelers so fuck off and get a life. Hines Ward is the best and you just wish he was on your lame ass team so just shut up and come to the good professional team
Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wives, because Ben Roethlisberger just lost the Super Bowl
I am not a Ravens fan. In fact, I'm not even a fan of ANY AFC team. But as a Football fan, i can tell you that i loathe the steelers and their pack of criminals and their cocky swagger. They're a bunch of bitch ass faggots who bitch and complain about everything. Big Ben the Rapist and James "I Beat Women" Harrison belong in prison, not as Role Models. But i guess that's why all the Steelers fans come out so fucked up.
Dude!! I am a Steeler fan born and raised across the river. While I should be insulted and angry at your article... that was funny! LMAO
Then again I'm pretty secure about my team. I guess if my team used to be the Browns and sucked so bad they had to move to another state and STILL can't surpass the Steelers I might be a little bitter too!
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