Joe Gibbs' press conference (aired on Snyder's Triple X ESPN Radio) was what one would expect. Gibbs thanked everyone under the Sun and cracked a couple jokes, mostly involving his dedication to his wife Pat.
It is absolutely crystal clear that Gibbs and Gibbs alone made this decision. Snyder wanted him back. Gibbs and Snyder discussed "every coach in football" together after Gibbs told him that he needed to leave and be with his family.

Gibbs did not lose his composure until the very end of the speech, when he thanked God for the opportunity for a handball/ballroom dancing physical education major to have a career in coaching.
Gibbs never mentioned Gregg Williams or Al Saunders by name, but he did thank the coaching staff.
Snyder spoke next, and was audibly shaken at first. He said the three words for Joe are appreciation, admiration and respect. Snyder spoke very briefly.
Gibbs then identified a Hog, Joe Jacoby, in the back of the room, and thanked all his players from the first go-round.
Inaudible questions were asked at the end. Gibbs' responses were clear, but very little new information was issued. Snyder said the replacement process had not yet begun. Gibbs will remain living in the Washington area and will help with the team as much as Snyder wants. He will obviously be spending a lot of time in Charlotte also, assisting with Joe Gibbs racing and helping his sons start a motocross division.
3 Responses:
Gibbs to the Ravens, Billick to the Skins.
You've gotta love Joe Gibbs. I mean, say what you want to, but his players love him, he is a man of conviction, and a man of principle. They don't make many like him anymore.
So does that mean we can stop using the Fire Joe Gibbs tag?
I agree that he's a great coach for the players. It's exactly like Ray Lewis said: "You pay me for Monday through Saturday. Sunday you get for free."
Unfortunately with Gibbs, you get what you pay for.
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