January 9, 2008

This Just in... Orioles Moving from Baltimore...

Care of today's Baltimore Sun:

OH MY GOD!!!! THEY'RE TAKING DOWN THE JUMBOTRON!!! Seriously, showing pictures of workmen taking down the Jumbotron piece-by-piece could cause mass hysteria and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder flashbacks from evoking memories of this image.

Oh, wait, I forgot... nobody in Baltimore cares about the Orioles anymore. If the Orioles moved, would anybody besides Nestor Aparicio and the Yankee and Red Sox fans who take over the ballpark six times a year notice?

Yes, bring on your anti-Nationals crap starting.... NOW. Pitchers and catchers report in five weeks.

11 Responses:

J-Red said...

We're upgrading the stadium. After a few years, a stadium has to be improved. Otherwise it ends up like RFK.

Russell said...

So it ends up a classy old stadium where you can't put weight on any of the railings?

"ben" said...

The Tigers will win more games than the O's and Nats combined.

Nic said...

Dude, you scared me. If the Orioles leave Baltimore I will cry for many days. They are the only landmark of professional sports B-More has. The Colts left, the Bullets left, heck even the Bayhawks left (I'm still totally bitter about that). We have the Ravens...but they were the Browns , hence doing the same thing that what my parents were all broken up about by the Colts. Anyways long story short, the Orioles are the only thing B-More has. I gotta hold on to them.

I guess I oughta move back to B-more at some point.

Marc said...

Oh no!

The Rays are staying put, though.


"ben" said...

Hey nic,

The Ravens were the Browns.

The Orioles were also the Browns. They moved from St. Louis.

St. Louis Browns. George Sisler (Michigan grad).

The original Baltimore Orioles of the National League was liquidated. The second incarnation of the Baltimore Orioles moved to New York and became the New York Highlanders...later renamed the Yankees. Seriously.

J-Red said...

Stealing from St. Louis ain't even stealing.

Dewey Hammond said...

It was 104 years ago today that the original Baltimore baseball franchise was purchased for $18,000 and eventually moved to New York to become the Yankees.

J-Red said...

Shit, is it too late? I think I could round up $18K for the Yankmes.

Jeremy said...

Seriously J-Red. Fuck this upcoming down payment. I think 18K for a 1 billion investment is worth it.

Nic said...

Oh, thanks for the info. I guess Baltimore really is the wasteland, or the starter of great things that always seem to move on.

And Boston fans thought they had a right to complain...

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