Well, we knocked off two of my predicted bottom three from last week, so this show should be that much better...and yet still ninety minutes. Sigh...
Here we go. Onto 70's Week - Ladies Edition.
1) Carly Smithson - Crazy on You - Heart - This was all over the place. The first two thirds were on par with the original or even slightly better. As she got into the screaming part of the song, she cracked a bit and mistimed her breaths in places. Randy of course thought the beginning was rough and the end was good just to contradict me. Unfortunately, she breathed like she was dying after the song and couldn't say quickly enough that Crazy on You is her favorite song ever. Paula said something. Simon said it was better than last week, but she has yet to pick the right song. Her tats are going to handicap her as we get down to fewer contestants and Middle America starts to matter.
2) Syesha Mercado - Me and [Mr.] Jones - Billy Paul - This started off really bad and boring. She reversed the gender on the song, which half destroys the premise. It's "Me and Mrs. Jones" because Mrs. Jones is a fucking MARRIED WOMAN. That kind of screws the whole thing up. It sucked. I've already forgotten it. Randy didn't like the song choice. Paula noted that she drifted during the softer notes. Simon said that the song wasn't written for a girl and it was silly to have performed it.
3) Brooke White - You're So Vain - Carly Simon - Brooke brought her guitar with her (a rule change I still hate). I may be the only person who finds Brooke hot, but I still like her, despite her Joker Brand smile. It sounded like a Sheryl Crow/Jewel cover of the song. Since Sheryl Crow and Jewel can't sing, that's not good. It was very karaoke plus a guitar, which she mysteriously stopped strumming halfway through without the song sounding any different. She struggles a bit with pulling away from the mike while sitting down. Randy said it was a good song choice, but she didn't bring anything different to it. Paula thought the song choice was perfect. Now for the truth. Simon said he absolutely loved it.
4) Ramiele Malubay - Don't Leave Me This Way - Thelma Houston - Apparently she's Polynesian/Filipino, at least in part. I commented on her ethnic ambiguity last week. You'd know this song if you heard it. It's a faster-paced disco song. She sang the song well and looked comfortable from the waist up. From the waist down she was flat-footed and looked awkward. She also looked like she had a tenuous grasp of the lyrics towards the middle. Of course, she bailed herself out by hitting the big notes at the end. I think I caught a fist pump at the end. Randy said it was rough and just okay. Paula agreed with Randy, but noted that there isn't much range in the song. Simon agreed with Paula and Randy, noting that he had heard it in many weddings.
5) Kristy Lee Cook - You're No Good - Linda Ronstadt - Kristy claims to be a tomboy. A tomboy who claimed last week to sell her horse to raise money TO AUDITION. I can't forgive her. It helps that her performance sucked. The girl doesn't know what to do with her ratty hair or head while she sings. She often took a Robert Plant stance, while singing a Linda Ronstadt song. Randy wasn't too impressed, calling it "pretty in tune". Paula thought it was a good song choice. Both seemed to find it pleasant. Simon thought it was a huge improvement over last week, though he worries that he doesn't know how to label him.

6) Amanda Overmyer - Carry on my Wayward Son - Kansas - This is the Harley girl with the bleach blonde bangs. She's very good, and she has NO chance. She's going to stick to the rock theme. The beginning was very rough, and she seemed to overcorrect, missing notes high and then low. The look on her face told the whole story. She had a shot at the last note, but I'm pretty sure she was flat. Here comes the hurt. Randy said it was the wrong song, with too much melody and too many instrumental breaks. Paula complimented her moves, which even made Amanda roll her eyes. Simon said her intro was natural but her performance and terrible outfit and hair looked contrived.
7) Alaina Whitaker - Hopelessly Devoted - (Grease) - I hate this girl. My girlfriend doesn't hate her. She actually is quite talented, but she comes off as dumb as a post in her little vignettes. Of course, to my disappointment, she sang the song nearly perfectly, even holding out a strong note where I don't remember one in the original. The way tonight has meandered along, she's in good shape. Randy found it pitchy and restrained. Paula thought she did a good job, but then said something about Alaina's age. Simon said he likes her but it seems like her grandmother dresses her and picks her songs.
8) Alexandrea Lushington - If You Leave Me Now - Isley Brothers - Alexandrea explained that her father is a firefighter in Atlanta. Since I took Fourteenth Amendment, I know that there was a very nasty lawsuit between African-American firefighters and the Atlanta FD. This is another song you'd know if you heard it. You'd know it because you'd have to pause for a second and try to remember which sitcom used it as the theme. None did. She missed beaucoup notes, there aren't any big notes in the song, and she's in the shit this week. Randy asked "What'd you think?", which is a death knell. He called the song safe. To me, that sounds like not getting into your safety school. Paula noted that she'd never heard a woman do the song. Simon said she was inconsistent and in and out of tune.
9) Kady Malloy - Magic Man - Heart - Kady has a killer Britney impression. And she's hot. And she scares me to death. I'm scared that I'll be seeing this c-word for weeks after the good people are booted off. It sucked. I am SURE Simon will use the word karaoke. It wasn't "wedding" because she tried to scream some notes since there aren't any big notes in the song. I can't wait to see her for the next six weeks while talented people go. Randy asked her a question first, before trashing her properly. He said she never found the pitch the entire song. Paula said she sounded great when she powered, but she lost the low notes. Simon said he is frustrated with her because she is great in her vignettes and then crappy on stage. He said the same thing last week.
10) Asia'h Epperson - All By Myself - Eric Carmen (later Celine Dion) - Oh, this was a trainwreck. She missed an early note, and then cracked on the word "by" later. Midway through the guys were standing to lend support, because she was drowning. She did end the song well. Apparently she has been sick, and Randy totally wrote off her problems to her illness. Paula said they were rooting for her and she brought it home. Simon said it would take a heck of a singer to pull it off, but she is not good enough to try that song.
Oh God. There is no way to accurately predict who is going home. Let me try to break them down the best I can into three categories.
Safe fo' Sho'
[Not applicable]
Muddled Middle
Brooke White
Carly Smithson
Ramiele Malubay
Alaina Whitaker
Kady Malloy
Asia'h Epperson
Pack the Bags
Syesha Mercado
Kristy Lee Cook
Amanda Overmyer
Alexandrea Lushington
Officially I'm going to predict the departure of Syesha Mercado and Alexandrea Lushington. Amanda Overmyer sucked and looked horrendous, but she's the only rocker chick. The last rocker chick seems to hold on for a few weeks longer than they should each season. Syesha is totally forgettable, and she went early in the episode. Alexandrea went late in the show, but the song was so sitcom that I can't imagine anyone picking up the phone and voting for her. She's the last unambiguous African-American chick left, but I don't think she'll get bailed out by that distinction any more than the plus-sized model was last week.
6 Responses:
Alexandrea wasn't the cheerleader. She was the firefighter's daughter. But who cares anyway.
I just wanted to say that after much soul searching I have decided that Kristy Lee Cook is the hottest one even though I question the horse selling move. I think she is going to be the chick that struggles this year until she gets to sing a country song (if she makes it). Brooke White is the second hottest so you are not alone. Danny Noriega is a close third.
I don't believe Syesha is going home tonightm but she's got "I get booted long before I deserve it" (see, e.g. Latoya London) written all over her. I'm pretty sure that the blonde girls on the show (with the exception of the guitar chick) are just as bland and unrecognizable as the boring-and-not-ugly-but-not-as-good-looking-as-they -think guys in your bottom two. But never underestimate the will of the American people to vote for a girl who looks like she's from the heartland regardless of her actual talent. I'm also curious to find out when they uncover a Danny Almonte-esque scandal about Amanda Overmyer being 45 years old, and when they'll discover that Jason Castro is actually hiding the eliminated contestants in his disgusting dreadlocks.
Holy crap... a Staci sighting!!!! FINALLY!!!
Big tuna: good catch on me mixing up the cheerleader. I corrected it.
I can't see it in Kristy Lee Cook. That might be the girl I put in the bottom three week after week just to have America show me that I'm not seeing her properly.
Kristy Lee Cook looks way hotter when she's not singing. I'm also a Brook White fan, but neither of them compare to Carly. Both the accent and the tats are hot.
Well, I got one of my predicted castoffs, Alexandrea Lushington. I am pleased but surprised that Alaina went already.
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